

Skin Rejuvenation & Facial Treatments

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Skin rejuvenation is a popular aesthetic procedure that aims to restore a youthful appearance to your skin. It involves various treatments that target different layers of the skin to address specific issues such as wrinkles, discoloration, and texture changes

The Importance of Skin Rejuvenation

As we age, our skin naturally loses its elasticity and firmness due to factors like sun exposure, lifestyle habits, and genetic predisposition. This can lead to visible signs of aging such as wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin. Skin rejuvenation treatments can help to counteract these effects, improving the overall appearance and health of your skin

Skincare clinic in Oakville
Classic Facial  $100
1 hour treatment suitable for all skin types, age and pregnant individuals. Include steam or peel, light exfoliation, light extractions, massage and mask.
Deep Cleansing Facial  $100
Best choice for acne-prone contested skin types with blackheads, whiteheads, impurities. A deep cleansing exfoliating skin treatment to unclog pores in addition to antibacterial , blemish fighting soothing mask. This treatment is also available as a back treatment.
Anti-Age Treatment  $120
Ideal for Aging & Maturing skin. Includes pre-cleansing,
cleansing, skin analysis, peel, massage, contour masque, toner, and spf
Ultra-Calming $100
Ideal for Sensitive, Dry skin & Rosacea
Includes pre-cleansing,
cleansing, toner, skin analysis, exfoliation, extractions,
massage , toner, moisturizer and spf.
Brightening & Clearing Treatment  $100
Gleansing, skin analysis, peel, skin
vacuuming/extractions, toner, massage, brightening serum and mask, moisturizer and spf
High Frequency 15-20 minutes  $50
Ideal for Acneic skin, hair loss, mature skin. High frequency is an electrical
current that helps with acne management (anti-bacterial properties), enlarged pores, fine lines, promotes collagen and elastin production, stimulate hair growth.
Natural Acid Peel 30-45min  $100
An intensive professional-strength treatment beneficial for mature, stressed or problem skin. Customized for you, our peel treatment includes either pharmaceutical grade Glycolic, Lactic, Grape Wine Acid gels or Triple Threat Peel – prescribed at the most effective intensity level for your skin. This treatment helps peel away the dead surface skin cells and reveals the youthful skin underneath. Treatment includes a full rehydration mask.
Holiday Preperation – Fire & Ice Procedure  $120

This is an intensive care procedure that allows you to achieve an instant effect of a “porcelain” face and quickly, and most importantly, safely restore a healthy appearance of the skin. It stimulates cellular renewal, reduces fine lines, smoothes the complexion and helps to give it a glow.

Microdermabrasion Treatments  $120

Microdermabrasion treatments use a minimally abrasive instrument to gently polishing your skin, removing the thicker, uneven outer layer, and has many benefits.

• Improve age spots and blackheads
• Improve hyperpigmentation (patches of darkened skin)
• Exfoliate your skin, resulting in a refreshed appearance
• Lessen the appearance of stretch marks
• Reduce fine lines and wrinkles
• Reduce or eliminate enlarged pores
• Treat acne and the scars left by acne

Here’s what skin rejuvenation treatments can do:

  • Restore Hydrolipidic Balance: This helps to keep your skin hydrated, plump, and supple.
  • Improve Collagen Production: Treatments like laser resurfacing and microneedling can stimulate collagen production in the deeper layers of the skin, leading to a firmer and more youthful appearance.
  • Reduce Pigmentation Issues: Skin rejuvenation treatments like chemical peels and intense pulsed light therapy can help to fade dark spots and uneven skin tone.
  • Minimize Scarring: Some treatments, such as microdermabrasion, can help to improve the appearance of acne scars and other types of scarring on the skin.
  • Stimulate Cell Renewal: Certain treatments like chemical peels and derma rolling can promote cell turnover, revealing fresher and brighter-looking skin.
  • Improve Skin Texture: Treatments like laser resurfacing and chemical peels can help to smooth out rough patches of skin and improve overall texture.
  • Enhance Overall Skin Health: Skin rejuvenation treatments not only improve the appearance of your skin but also promote its overall health by increasing circulation, stimulating collagen

What to expect?

The results of skin rejuvenation treatments can vary depending on the type of treatment used and the individual’s skin condition. However, you can generally expect to see improvements in the texture, tone, and firmness of your skin. Some treatments may also help to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Contact us to help you choose the best treatment for your need